One of the most effective ways to maintain your oral health is regular dental visits. During these checkups at Crown Dental Care, we will examine your teeth, gums, lips and tongue, and make sure they’re all in tip-top shape.
At Crown Dental Care, we truly believe that prevention is the key to a lifetime of great oral health. We recommend that all of our patients visit us at least twice a year. During your checkup, you will receive a professional cleaning, a full examination, digital X-rays when necessary, and an oral cancer screening.
Think of our professional cleanings as wiping the slate clean—we’ll make sure to scrape out any plaque or tartar that’s been built up around your teeth and gums. Plaque is bacteria that builds up over time in those places that are hard to reach with just a toothbrush. If left there too long, it can cause gum disease bad breath, or cavities. After we scrape the plaque away, we’ll polish and floss your teeth to leave your smile nice and bright.
Our dentists know what to look for when it comes to potential issues—things that you may not notice on your own. They’ll examine your teeth, gums, mouth and tongue for any signs of disease. And if necessary, they’ll make recommendations for treatments.
Digital X-rays, which are safer and more efficient than traditional X-rays, will help our dentists find anything they might not see during their full examination. These X-rays can scan and detect any potential issues in the jaw, the gums or the teeth.
On top of our full examination and digital X-rays, our dentists will make sure to take the time to check for any signs of cancer. It’s best to detect cancer as early as you can, so your routine checkups will help you stay on top of it.
When you come for a checkup, make sure to take advantage of our modern amenities! Our modern office includes a beverage bar, flat-screen TVs in every patient room, and blankets and pillows if you desire. We are also kid-friendly! Contact our friendly staff at (301)241-0770 to schedule your routine checkup today!
Call Us Now at: (301)591-3888 to schedule your visit!
New Patient: (301) 450-8409
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1900 Chapman Ave., #100,
Rockville, MD 20852
Current Patient: (301) 591-3888
New Patient: (301) 450-8409
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